пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Dewa Budjana go to album. Zentuary HD by Dewa Budjana feat. Come and Get It! Indonesian Music meets 70's and modern Jazz Fusion in a respectable way full of interesting ideas. With Erskine, bassist Dave Carpenter and others lending their wares, the music is largely about attainable concepts, fused together into a harmonically rich sequence of events. A master composer, arranger and producer, Dewa Budjana has, in just a few short years, amassed a masterful collection of progressive music albums as a solo artist — work which transcends genre, in glorious fashion. Other sites in the MAC network: dewa budjana on the way home mp3

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With Erskine, bassist Dave Carpenter and others lending their wares, the music is largely about attainable concepts, fused together into a harmonically rich sequence of events.

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This is not a usual band by any meaning. Save The Planet by Tohpati Ethnomission.

And when Budjana stretches out, he incorporates lyrically-rich progressions and speedy single note lines with variances in the sound of his e-guitar, which in effect, creates a colorific scenario.

Previously unexplored waters are navigated with an adroit leisure, as his bountiful skills as both a composer and improviser are clearly on display.


In addition, the guitarist dedicates this thoroughly appealing musical statement to the victims of the horrific Edwa. His early influences surface here with some strong chops and solos, while he occasionally dives into melodic themes to deliver a unique listening experience with sensitive touches sitting next to more technical plays.

dewa budjana on the way home mp3

Like the paradise of Dewa's native Bali, its beauty is equally compelling and awe-inspiring. Ranging from the bold and adventurous to the gracefully elegant, Dewa's playing bounces from the frantic urgency of a Fripp or McLaughlin to the organic intimacy of a Metheny or Towner with equal ease and fluidity.

Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. Get Jazz Near You A weekly events guide. I already had "Home" in my collection, which is one of my all-time favorite fusion albums. Budjana merges his ethno-musical influences and roots into a wondrous set of Indo, jazz-fusion. Dawai in Paradise Moonjune Records On The Way Home Live, bonus track Sign in Sign up Email address.

Subscribe now to receive all the new music MoonJune Records releases, including 16 back-catalog items, delivered instantly to you via the Bandcamp app for iOS and Android.

So if you like fun-packed fusion with fancy compositions and a great deal of virtuosity, hurry aay and purchase this album and maybe more today or tomorrow with the discount code you get as a follower of Dewa Budjana! But be it the source of wxy or pain, each of us longs for a familiar place; a place to go back to: Homme Ahmed budjqna and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

Dewa Budjana: Dawai In Paradise

Forum user Forum password. Purchasable with gift card.

This is progressive jazz and world music of the absolute highest order, and a "coming out party" for one of its best-kept secrets. Streaming and Download help. The album is definitely a grower, but once you get into it, it could become an eveyday listening even for non-casual Deqa fans, the deep sense of melody along with the dreamy soundscapes allow Budjana's music to become pretty friendly and enjoyable. Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe.

Search Tracks by musician. Thanks to the guys of Moonjune be sure to bucjana a different side of melodic Fusion via Budjana's ''Dawai in paradise''. We sent a confirmation message to.

Download Dewa Budjana - On The Way Home (Live Concert) - MP3

Without question, Nicolas Meier is one of the most capable, inventive voices on his instrument in the world, today. Indonesian guitar virtuoso Tohpati and his progressive ethno-jazz-rock-fusion band. You must be a forum member to post a review, please register here if you are not. Dawai In Paradise by Dewa Budjana.

I hope time can heal our wounds, and we can finally find our way 'Home'. Lonely bonus track Start your music shopping from All About Jazz bdujana you'll support us in the process.

Vosbein Magee Big Band.

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